Call booked!
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Frequently Asked Questions
What happens on the call?
It's a very relaxed conversation to find out where you are right now, where you want to get to, and what's stopping you getting there.
After that, if I feel like I can help you, I will walk you through what that looks like and we can discuss options about joining one of my career acceleration programmes.
If not, there will be no hard feelings - my programmes aren’t for everyone. It’s important you take the right next step for you.
To be absolutely clear, this is not a free coaching call.
How long does the call take.
The call takes between 30-45 mins. This allows enough time for me to fully understand your situation so I know if I can help you, and for you to get everything you need to make an informed decision about us working together.
Why do we need to have a call first?
Working together requires an investment not just financially, but of your time and energy. It has to be right for you.
And I don’t work with everyone. I’m here for the women who are ready to take action and go all in, it’s important that we’re aligned. I’m here for the transformational results, you need to be too.
Do I have to sign up on the call?
Not at all. I do offer a reduced rate for those clients that sign up within 72 hours, but there's no pressure from my side.
Most people I speak to end up working with me but they waste weeks, sometimes months making their mind up, which only delays their progress. This incentive is there to help you get moving faster so you get to where you want to be sooner!
That said, I appreciate people need to take time to make decisions, hence the incentive being applicable for 72 hours.